Based on the provisions of the Bull of Indiction of the Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025, Spes non confundit, of 9 May 2024, which indicated the importance of also enhancing at a local level ‘spaces of welcome in which to generate hope’ in addition to the Holy Doors and the Jubilee Churches in Rome, and on the basis of the Norms on the granting of indulgences during the Ordinary Jubilee of the year 2025 of the Apostolic Penitentiary of 13 May 2024, which identify among the places for sacred pilgrimages, in ecclesiastical districts other than Rome and the Holy Land, the “Cathedral Church or other Churches and sacred places designated by the Ordinary”, the Archbishop of Turin Card. Roberto Repole has decreed on 16 December 2024 which churches are to be considered Jubilee Churches for the duration of the Ordinary Jubilee 2025, starting on 29 December 2024, for sacred pilgrimages and pious visits.

In particular, a few kilometres from Colle Don Bosco, in the diocese of Turin, the “Collegiate Church of Santa Maria della Scala“, also known as the “Duomo of Chieri“, is to be considered a “Jubilee Church“.

According to the Norms of the Apostolic Penitentiary,”in each diocese, are places of pious visitation, in which to acquire the Jubilee indulgence, any minor Basilica (for example, the Basilica of Colle Don Bosco! Editor’s note), Cathedral Church, Co-cathedral Church, Marian Shrine as well as, for the benefit of the faithful, any distinguished Collegiate Church or Shrine designated by each diocesan Bishop” and the same indulgences are granted, under the same conditions, to those who cannot participate in solemn celebrations, pilgrimages and pious visits for serious reasons (cloistered nuns and monks, the elderly, the sick, prisoners, as well as those who, in hospital or other places of care, provide continuous service to the sick).

The Archbishop’s Decree states that the Jubilee indulgence can also be acquired “through the works of mercy and penance indicated in the Norms: participation in popular Missions, spiritual exercises or formation meetings on the texts of the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church; corporal and spiritual works of mercy; visiting for an appropriate amount of time our brothers and sisters who are in need or difficulty (the sick, prisoners, the elderly in solitude, the differently abled…); works of penance (especially on Fridays); works of a religious or social character”.

A final note specifies that “other possible holy places for pilgrimages and pious visits may be designated for specific periods during the time of the Holy Year to better meet the needs of the faithful”.

We publish here the manifesto concerning Jubilee pilgrimages and Jubilee Masses in the Cathedral of Chieri.

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